Welcome to The
Philadelphia Assembly
The Philadelphia Assembly is a collective of culture bearers who share a commitment to the practice of arts, culture, and equitable community development and reflects the people who are here, committed, and doing the work to “keep the place.”
The Assembly is comprised of Philadelphia artists, activists, and culture bearers embedded in neighborhoods and communities, especially those prioritizing Black women, Black girls, and Black people of marginalized genders.
Read about our Projects.
Learn all the ways that we support artists and culture bearers embedded in their neighborhoods and communities.
Learn about our Grantees.
These are groups, individuals, or organizations which the Philadelphia Assembly has recognized for “doing the work.”
We think you should know about them, and support them too.

“We believe in sustaining creative practice, land, livelihoods, dialogue across neighborhoods and disciplines, and ultimately, the joy, imagination, and hope of those who keep the place.”
— from the Philadelphia Assembly Charter